
Maasai Bead-Work experience in Nairobi

Maasai Bead-work experience with Semat collections

For many families in Maa culture creating jewelry out of beads is a day to day activity. A day with Sammy of Semat collections at his Workshop, exposed us to a world, deeper than the colorful adornment they wear. They say support a woman and you uplift a whole village. His philanthropic desires has seen his workshop support hundreds of women in his community hence uplifting their livelihoods and supporting many children to schools.

Sammy with his family.

Well in Maa community there is more to the colors and the design of jewelry one wears. 

So What do Maasai beads colors symbolize? Most of the dominant color is red which stands for bravery and promotes unity. Black represents the people and humanity, White represents good health and peace, Blue represents the sky, Green represents the land.

Sammy is a Jeweler and designs his pieces on order for various market. Recently he is involved with #LoveIsProject,  a social movement around the world, connecting the bracelet maker and wearer in a common bond of love. Every purchase creates a sustainable livelihood for thousands of women, their families and communities.

 Sammy & his wife rocking the love bracelet. Isn’t love beautiful? 

Below Sammy is working on pet collars and they are shipped allover the world.

I wasn’t any kind of traveler at His workshop. I am on a journey to identify I few authentic cultural experiences for a visitor on short stay in Nairobi. As a product development professional in Tourism industry, I needed a memorable experience, one a guest can take away with. So we settled on a simple enough bracelet that’s not time consuming. Learning how to make my own bracelet I must have underestimated the process but it’s evident it needs a skilled hand.

Sammy was kind enough to agree to this whereby, visitors in his workshop will learn how to make a simple bracelet as part of #SematBeadworkExpereince at a small fee. Non residents USD20/KES2000 locals KES1000. One learns from the initial process of polishing up metals, to making a bracelet under his guidance and the various women he supports. Please make your work neat as its your take away gift? haha. Below one of our visitor enjoying #Sematbeadworkexperience.

A shopping experience in Nairobi without a visit to his workshop lacks that soul magic of authentic learning and the cultural connection of this famous, respected beads allover the world.

As the day started to retire, the dusk opened this magical sunset right outside his workshop over the southern part of the Great rift valley. You see his work shop is right on the slopes of Ngong hills. A place perfect for an African Barbecue, which we also do on request. Follow semat collections online for more information .

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